Monday, February 28, 2011

The mind

Our minds have many things to look for and many things to find, our minds must be pushed, encouraged and loved... For our minds want to go where no one else has gone, to touch that which cannot be touched, to feel as if it is the only thing that matters, to find what our mind wants is to find the very heart of God... Even if we must search for all eternity. 

Our mind is a beautiful thing.  Love it.

-Todd LaBerge

Friday, February 25, 2011


It goes by to fast.... I wish to hold on to it and tell her that I love her, but alas it is gone, in a moment it seems... but every night I shall see her again, like a promise she comes, sometimes too late for comfort but most of the time right when we need her the most.  

Sleep my love, I thank you for what you give me.  Peace.  

I am curtain we will sleep in heaven, why wouldn't we?  eternity seems like an awful long time to go with out it.  

I am off to embrace this wonderful thing called dreams, its the gift that sleep gives us, you better be good to her or she might throw in a nightmare every once in a while.

  "A good laugh and a long sleep are the best cures in the doctor's book."                                                                 -Irish Proverb

-Todd LaBerge

Monday, February 21, 2011


                               "Sometimes you just need a laugh."

-Todd LaBerge

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Time stands still.

Every once in a while you hear or see something that simply makes time stand still.  I thought I'd share this video with you, most of you have already seen this but I still love it.

-Todd LaBerge

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Greatness in weakness.

Sometimes we feel as though we are only great when we are in our prime.  In the very moment where life is under our control and we can do whatever we want, this is a dangerous place to be.  For when we take the reins we really see how big the horses are, or how powerful the storm really is out side.  We forget who is suppose to be behind the wheel and we think only of ourselves... This is when we crash, when we lose everything, when we truly die.  It is a moment in time when we are alone.  It's a sick twisted feeling that we were never meant to feel... It is the moment we refuse to accept our place in life.  Our view of greatness is when we have the power.  The will, but that is really when we are the weakest.  Like a child trying to move an object twice his size.  It is only when we say "I can't do it... I'm too small." That we truly have accept our weakness and thus gain greatness. This moment echo's in time immortal.  We are weak, but he is strong.  God makes us great when he is most glorified, this concept is often times over looked and that is a tragedy.

"Strive for greatness by being humble in all that we do."

-Todd LaBerge

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Past, Present and Future, Learning to invest in life 101

I have come across many people who never seem to be happy with where they are, whether that is wanting to be in the past or not wanting to move on, but most of the time it's about wanting to be in the future.  People always have this idea that if they are 10 years in the future then all their troubles will be taken care of.  We all know this can't be.  Our troubles cannot and should not be avoided, they help shape us, mold us, change us.  For the older man he doesn't want to face the fact that he isn't young anymore... Or the little boy frustrated with math and simply wanting to go outside and play.  We are all connected in this way that can't be explained other than the fact that we have a road to travel, we may never want it to end, or we are racing as fast as we can to get to the finish line.  But no matter what we are doing, we cannot not forget to stop every once in a while and pick a flower on the side of the road or simply talk to someone with you.  Because if you are consumed with getting it over with, than you are missing out on the whole picture!  We have to live this life to the fullest in order to understand eternity!  Don't you see, we mustn't live like it's a cheap memory or always wanting to be somewhere else.  Because in eternity we will always be living in the now,  That's why it's called eternity!  Yet we need to remember to not be careless with what we have, that brings us back to our troubles.  Face the tough times with head held high, because my friends, we are living in glorious times.  The day you accept who you were, who you are and who you will be is the day that God will most be glorified in you.  Past, Present and the Future is something we must take as a whole and not individually.

So my friends, I leave you this, one of my favorite songs by one of my favorite bands, it is a good adaptation to what I've been talking about, really it's about where you invest your love in life that truly matters in the end and we can only know love through Christ.

 "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are."
                         -Theodore Roosevelt

Let us now invest love in our past, present and future so that we can know true happiness in Christ. 

Good night my friends.

-Todd LaBerge

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Wes Anderson is the best.


Dear Life,

I am pleased to have met you, I have found living with you has been, heart breaking, renewing, frustrating, invigorating, joyful, satisfying, miserable and all together wonderful.  I have had my up days, my low days and just plain old normal days.  But I have loved every minute of it.  You manage to surprise me with every new breath I breathe.  You can bring a man to his knees and at the same time back to reality all in a matter of seconds.  It's amazing.  I look forward to more ups and downs and until then I  leave you this, one of my favorite scenes from any movie out there.  Almost brings tears to my eyes every time I watch it.

Thank you.

-Todd LaBerge