Oh to long for something greater then ourselves, this is rare in our society... We all too often allow the pleasures of life to overcome the glory of eternity. How can we live a mortal life when we were called to an immortal one? It is something that has come to plague my every thought these days. You could say "well you need to live life first!" yes that is true, but you are missing the bigger picture! To focus our gaze on eternity in turn helps us to be able to live our life here! We can live fuller lives knowing that eternity with Christ and loved ones awaits us after we have carried out the masters calling, that is to live and live well.
So my friends I besiege you to live well and love often. God wants us to be happy! Yes that may come as a shocker but the fact of the matter is God has always loved us, after all we are made in His image. Now why would you want to deny that? We need to talk of Heaven more, why do we avoid this conversation with friends and family? Is it that somehow in the back of our minds we don't want to think of Heaven? Well... To be honest that is O.K. But here is the great thing about Heaven... It's not going to be boring! I know! Crazy right?! The biggest fear of Heaven is eternity, but friends, believe it or not, time is something that we have to let us know that life is short, eternity is simply the fact that life is no longer short, but life is something that can be experienced to the fullest amount! Imagine a world that is held back by sin and pain, but then it is renewed to a world that is free of suffering and death. The fact that we can serve our God for eternity is something that should excite us! Something that should drive our hearts to scream the truth from every building top.
To live the gospel is to know what living is all about! SO LIVE!
-Todd LaBerge
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